Forum Nokia: Success Stories, Bookit

Nokia perspectives: Business Benefits from Mobile Working

According to a report from Gartner Group, companies are devoting an increasing proportion of their IT budgets to mobile applications. Figures suggest a rise from five per cent at the end of 2003, to between 8 and 10 per cent of an average company's IT budget by the end of 2006 (0.7 probability). According to the ARC Group, worldwide enterprise voice and data revenues are predicted to rise from $78,832 million in 2004 to $127,489 million by 2009.

In this increasingly vibrant market situation, Nokia is leading the way by actively supporting developers via Forum Nokia PRO. Through Forum Nokia PRO, members receive exclusive access to product roadmaps, early access to devices and software developer kits, preferential access to technical training

and support services. They also receive business development, co-marketing and media relations support.                                      

Easier Check-in that Saves Costs                                                                                                          

For those companies interested in cutting costs and improving customer service, mobile applications offer significant benefits. Thanks to the BookIT DDM mCheck-In solution, frequent flyers on Finnair, Finland's national airline, can now check in for flights using their mobile phones. Passengers only need to reply to a message sent to their GSM phone by Finnair before the flight. This improves customer service by eliminating the need for queuing at check-in and also cuts Finnair's costs by introducing self-service and eliminating printed check-in documents. Travel body IATA estimates that issuing an electronic ticket instead of a paper ticket could cut the cost for each traveller by $9.

Read more from  Forum Nokia - Success Stories

February 12, 2010